Mobile phone users in Romania and Bulgaria will not be affected by an amendment pushed by Greek MEP Katerina Batzeli to roaming rules in the European Union. A EP commission rejected Batzeli’s amendment that would have postponed a reduction of roaming tariffs for Europe’s newest markets on Thursday.

The commission also brought forward a EC move to cut roaming tariffs by up to 70% across the Union.

"Roaming charges are set to tumble. This is a major success for European consumers and a clear signal to Europe's telecom industry", said Parliament's chief rapporteur on this issue, Austrian EPP-ED member Paul Rubig after today's vote, according to a press release received by

"The committee on industry, technology, research and energy has adopted my report on the regulation on roaming charges by a large majority. My position has been followed throughout the political groups", he said.

A final vote on the 70% reduction of the current roaming tariffs applied by mobile companies, which Brussels officials say are too high, is expected to take place in the European Parliament by mid-May.

Katerina Batzeli submitted her amendment in late March, asking that a possible EC decision to cut roaming fees not to be applied to Romania and Bulgaria temporarily as she said the two markets were not mature enough for the new threshold.