Most of Bucharest's patrimony houses are destroyed or left to perish at the pressure of real estate agents who hunt terrains, an independent report, Bucharest - an urban disaster, of the Save Bucharest Association warns. The document points out that the traffic in Romania's capital city is less and less bearable since the population density reaches 9,000 citizens per square kilometer and green areas are reduced every year.

According to the report, the number of persons suffering of respiratory problems has increased significantly.

In Bucharest, there are 9,009 citizens per square kilometer, authors of the report warn. It compares badly with Berlin which only hosts 3,905 citizens/sq km, Vienna - 3,850 and Budapest - 3,674. Authors of the report argue that from the 3,500 acres of green areas in Bucharest in 1989, only 1,500 still existed in 2007.

City Hall representatives told that the standard green area index, according to official statistics, shows that Bucharest fulfills the needed norm of 16.38 square meters/citizen.

Another problem pointed out by the report is the traffic which affects the health of the citizens.

Moreover, the document points out that public transportation expansion strategies do not take into account the most crowded areas. The report criticizes the bicycle routes set up by local authorities which are found non-functional.