We prioritized public investments so that each Ministry was mandated to decide what projects are their main priority through the budget modification, PM Boc declared at the end of the government's meeting on Wednesday, August 18.

Finance minister Vladescu declared that there are no differences between the final version of the modification and their draft versions. He said that the only difference is that three ministers demanded reallocations between certain budgetary lines.

PM Boc's declarations:

  • We adopted two simple ordinances that modified the state budget and the social insurance budget 
  • we prioritized public investments
  • we plan to finish the Bucharest road belt 
  • we plan to invest in households for young people and finish 300 km of county roads 
  • the second objective is to ensure co-financing for European projects in Environment and Agriculture
  • the other objective is to capitalize the guarantee fund by 46 million euro 
  • the other objective is to pay the state's debts: 1.9 billion lei to pay up debts in health, 500 million lei for other debts