Emil Boc, Romania's new Prime Minister nominee, expressed his gratitude for the trust entrusted by the President to appoint him in the new position. He added that the main goal put forward a week ago, to form a government by December 22 was still standing. In the following period, he added, the two coalition parties, the Social Democrats and the Democrat Liberals will settle all the regulations for the government in order to present the team in the Parliament.

The most important declarations Emil Boc made shortly after he was nominated by the President:

  • I will set up a group of experts from the Romanian Academy and National Central Bank to help me in the financial and economic problems of the country
  • I want to thank citizens in Cluj, Central Romania (were Emil Boc was Mayor) for the trust in the elections in 2004 and 2008.
  • He declared that he will present a coherent and apt team for the government, to present it in the Parliament.