Romanian PM Emil Boc will call on the Parliament on September 15 to assume responsibility for the laws addressing the unique state income scheme, the law reforming Education and the law meant to reorganise certain authorities and public institutions, liberal-democrat Gheorghe Flutur announced on Monday, at the end of the governing coalition sessions.

The Prime-minister and the MPs discussed today on the final laws drafts, after the initial projects have been amended. They verified if the amendments have been included in the packages. The Government then sent the Parliament the projects for which it is to take responsibility.

The Unique Income scheme: The minimum income in the state sector will be 705 lei in 2010 and 765 lei in 2011. The minimum income also represents coefficient one in the salary scheme. The risk and confidentiality benefits will be included in the root income starting next year for the employees in the Legal sector.

Senators and deputies’ incomes have been raised - they are to earn, 9.9 minimum salaries, Romanian press agency NewsIn informs. On the other hand, the ministers lost several points, from 11.2 minimum salaries to 10.8. Bucharest's general mayor also saw his future income shrank from 11.2 to 10 minimum payslips. But Romania's Orthodox Church patriarch will earn more: 11.2 minimum salaries, against the initial proposal of 10.8.

The Government decided that public clerks, academic staff and artists can also work in the private sector, as long as their activities are not interfering with the role they play for the state institutions.

The National Education Law: students will have to go through 11 years of compulsory education, namely, the preparation pre-school year and 10 classes. State education is free. At least 6% of the GDP will be annually granted for the compulsory education, while the scientific research department will get at least 1%.