The Government decided to create or to reactivate at least three Councils with the mission to support the PM in his fight with fiscal fraud, in the state's attempt to absorb European funds and in managing public spending. "We decided to set-up the inter-ministerial Council addressing the absorption of European Funds. This council is under the Prime Minister's direct coordination and targets bringing the European money here, home. Secondly, we've set up the inter-ministerial Council to combat fiscal fraud", Emil Boc declared.

According to the PM, for the latter council representatives from the Finance, Administration and Interior Justice Ministries are working and reps from the other parties which tackle fiscal fraud.

"We've got the opportunity that each week this inter-ministerial council resolve part of the notices we get from various state institutions, and on the other hand, perfect and eliminate from the legislation those sources and resources which can still represent a pretext for fiscal fraud. We have also reactivated the Council for managing public funds.

This council will be coordinated by a prime-minister council and will include in its structure finance, interior, work and other governmental department representatives, from the Government's control body, that will inform the Government, the PM in order to take decisions where they note public money is being wasted. The council will not be able to take decisions, but it will prepare the decisions that the Cabinet's members will take", Emil Boc declared.

At the moment, Government representatives have not responded to the questions sent by HotNews regarding the incomes of this Councils' members, the total number of the Councils accompanying the Government and whether these councils were already set-up in structures with the same aims.