Romania will pay its share to the European Union's budget, namely 38.99 billion lei for the period 2007 - 2013 and it has to receive 153.66 billion lei or 38.2 billion euros, the Romanian Public Finance Ministry (MFP) announced on Wednesday. The ministry's reaction comes after Ziarul Financiar published an article entitled "Millions of euros pass us by. We poured into the Union's budget twice more money than we received" (Miliardele de euro trec pe langa noi. Am varsat la bugetul Uniunii de doua ori mai multi bani decat am incasat).

"For the year of 2010, Romania's contribution to the EU's budget is estimated around 5.92 billion lei", the communiqué goes on to show.

Plus, the ministry notes that the deadline to spend the funds allocated for the 2007 - 2010 governing period from the structural instruments is December 31, 2015.

"Therefore, from the point of view of the structural instruments, Romania did not lose any euro from the EU allocated funds and, according to the estimated carried out on the basis of the financing contracts signed by the customers, there is no risk of automatic disengagement in 2010 either", the MFP communiqués indicates.