All papers read about Romania's President stand on Moldova, who threatened to take Moldova to the international courts if Romanian citizens fell prey to violence and injustices. Elsewhere in the news, due to budgetary cuts, Culture minister plans to cut money destined for churches to finance cultural programs. On a lighter tone, those traveling through Victoria tube station in Bucharest enjoyed a Stradivarius concert.

Gandul reads about President Basescu's threat to alert international justice courts if Romanian citizens fell victims of the violence committed by Moldovan authorities in the recent events. The paper reads that a Moldovan UN commissioner, beaten by authorities himself, who saw youngsters being severely beaten, will not file an official report.

Basescu's speech concentrated on three directions: to the Romanian voters urging them not to abandon Moldova; to European officials, underlying Romania's commitment to European values and to the new generation of Moldova encouraging them to take a stand towards their country's democratic development.

The newspaper reads that Basescu's threat to alert international courts can hardly become reality. A UN official in Moldova, Edwin Berry, who entered in a local penitentiary talks about the violence against youngsters, beaten with bats and bottles of water. Berry declared for the newspaper that there will not be an official UN report but that he will try to signal the events to the Moldovan Interior ministry.

Elsewhere in the news, Culture minister Theodor Paleologu plans to divert money destined for the church to finance cultural projects, stirring controversy among Church officials and party colleagues alike, Cotidianul reads.

Paleologu declared, in a press conference announcing this year's ministry budget that due to the economic crisis, some 28 million euro need to be cut off projects. He expressed his concern regarding the projects that will be cut off.

Paleologu's idea comes after the Parliament approved with an overwhelming majority some 55 million Lei for some 803 Church restorations across Romania despite budget restraints. Patriarchy officials are not pleased with the ministry's idea, its spokesperson Constantin Stoica declared. He reminded the minister that this is what the people are asking and it is not a matter of the Patriarchy's will.

Last but not least, Romania Libera proposed a unique experiment: Romanian musician Alexandru Tomescu, the only musician to play a Stradivarius in the country offered a concert in Victoria tube station in Bucharest for the passers-by for half an hour.

Dressed modestly, Tomescu enchanted people as dozens of people stopped to listen. The experiment, the paper reads, proved that the Romanian public can be sensible to good music. The experiment was a replica of the famous musician Joshua Bell's decision to dress as a homeless and sing in Washington DC for 45 minutes.

However, Bell hardly raised any interest in passers-by and collected some 32 dollars while Tomescu managed to gather up almost 100 euro during his experiment.