Most newspapers on Thursday quote Sports minister Monica Iacob Ridzi saying that the Parliamentary committee took a decision even before she could present all documents requested. Elsewhere in the news, Constitutional Court Chief, Ioan Vida succeeded in working 17 hours per day in three places in Bucharest and Timisoara, West Romania. Last but not least, a Bessarabian journalist faces 2 to 15 years of prison after he published an article in Moldova on the controversial April 5 elections.

Cotidianul quotes Sports minister Monica Iacob Ridzi saying that the Parliamentary committee investigating whether the recent allegations against her are valid, decided that her case should be investigated by anti-graft prosecutors.

The newspaper reads about Ridzi's accusations against the committee, that they reached a decision even before she was invited to present her case and all documents requested. Ridzi added that she received the report from her party colleagues.

The Committee's President, Liberal Alina Gorghiu declared that the presented report is just a draft, written based on the documents and discussions they had at that moment.

Members of the committee are due to meet on Thursday for the last time and then write a final report on the findings

Gandul reads about the Constitutional Court President, Ioan Vida who managed to work daily 17 hours in three places at once, in Bucharest and Timisoara. The newspaper reads that beside his full time position at the Constitutional Court, with a salary of 10,000 lei/month, Vida managed to get a second full time job, at a University in Timisoara, West Romania.

This was possible after Vida sued that university to accept his full time position and the court ruled in his favor. On top of this, Vida is also an associate professor at the Bucharest SNSPA University. Moreover, Vida teaches other courses at various other universities.

The court sentence ruling in favor of Vida to have two full time positions contravenes the Labor Code which states clearly that the maximum working time is 48 hours and Vida would "work" 80. Nonetheless, the court ruled in his favor, arguing that there is the possibility to conceive an unequal weekly schedule.

When prompted, Vida declared that he does not have a full time position in Timisoara. He argued that he has a full time position but only as coordinator of masters and PhD students.

Evenimentul Zilei reads about journalist Pavel Paduraru who faces 2 to 15 years of prison for an article published on the Moldovan April 5 elections. The article presented an analysis of the post-electoral environment and contained a wakeup call for Bessarabians to take a stand.

Moldovan daily Timpul reveals the content of an official letter addressed to the Moldovan Science Academy by the chief of penal investigations for exceptional causes, part of the General Prosecutors, Igor Popa.

In the letter Popa urged the Academy to analyze whether the article published by the Bessarabian journalist represents a felony.

In his defense, the newspaper reads, the author says that the article is an opinion one, written within the dynamic of the confusing events during and after elections. The article, Pacuraru reads, is full of metaphors and by no means appeals to violence.