A Romanian worker aged 28 was murdered by an Italian couple in Verona who planned to cash his life insurance of 1 million euro, Italian daily La Repubblica informs in its today's edition, quoted by Mediafax. Tancredi Valerio Volpe and Cristina Nervo owned a transports company which hired Romanian Adrian Ioan Cosmin.

Because the man worked without a contract for almost two years, the Italian bosses conditioned him to sign an insurance policy if he wished to have a legal status. The sole beneficiary of the insurance was Cristian Nervo.

The man's body was found in a car, in Cavaion Veronese near Verona, carbonized. The incident was planned to look like a suicide but the autopsy revealed the contrary. The man was sedated and later on set on fire together with the car.

Police officers thus discovered that Cristina Nervo, aged 31 killed him together with her lover, aged 34.