Razvan Nicolescu, Vice-President of the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, says in an interview he will run for a new term "only if one of the 8 members of the board nominates me".

Rep: Mr Nicolescu, is it true that your term at the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators is expiring?

Razvan Nicolescu: My term as a member in the Board of Administrators of ACER expires at the end of 2015, and the one as Vice-President of the Board of Administrators this month. The President and the Vice-President of the Board are elected every two years.

Rep: Will you run for a new term? When do the elections take place?

Razvan Nicolescu: Elections take place at the meeting of the Board of Administrators and at ACER's annual conference this week. I would like to renew my term as Vice-President, but I will run in elections only if one of the 8 members of the board nominates me. I will not make use of the self-nomination procedure, although according to our rules and regulations, I can do that.

Rep: Why is that? Do you lack the courage needed for a self-nomination?

Razvan Nicolescu: No, not at all. I don't lack courage. It is a form of respect towards my colleagues. The other 8 members of the Boards of Administrators are renowned personalities in the European energy field. Some are former ministers, some hold important positions in the industry, others are Members of the European Parliament or hold high-level positions in either national administrations or in the European one. Any of them could become the Vice-President or the President of the Board of Administrators.

I have had a two years term, right at the beginning when this institution was created. I believe I fulfilled my duty in these two difficult start years. I am content with what I have achieved. If others believe the same about me, I will aim at continuing my activity as Vice-President. If one of the members nominates me, I will enter the competition and try to win. I will take up the responsibility of the candidacy and I will try to win.

At an European level, it is not very wise to be desperate for offices, because this attitude can bother a lot of people. If you are competent, committed and professional, you have chances to succeed. It can be evaluated to what extent my term met original expectations.

Rep: What would Romania gain if you were reconfirmed in this position?

Razvan Nicolescu: It would improve its image abroad, given that a Romanian would meet expectations at a European level. For me, it would serve as evidence that my perception on what I have achieved is correct. It might be a signal that I could hope for more in the last two years of my term. If I don't get reelected, it will not a be tragedy. I remain member of the Board and I will try to fulfill my duty with seriousness from this very honourable position.

Rep: What are the agency's priorities for the next period?

Razvan Nicolescu: EU heads of state and government re-confirmed the ambitious objective to finalize the internal market in the energy sector, for both electricity and gas, by the end of 2014. This is the number one priority of ACER. In addition, the Agency received new responsibilities with the adoption of the EU Regulation on energy market integrity and transparency. It will receive new tasks with the adoption of new legislation on energy infrastructure.

At the same time, the reduction of expenditures at EU level has hit the Agency, which is in full expansion process. We will need to fulfill new tasks with limited resources, including human resources. It will not be an easy job, but I trust the Director of the Agency and other colleagues in the executive structure that we will succeed.