The latest international evaluations reveal that Romanian pupils are ranked last at worldwide level when it comes to the volume of accumulated knowledge. According to the PIRLS study, which measures the understanding of a text after pupils finish their first 4 years of study, Romania is ranked 36 of 45 as compared to 22 as it gained in the 2001 study.

The PIRLS - Progress in International Reading Literacy Study for 2007 shows that Romanian students score an average national score of 489 points of 1000. Results place Romania after the Russian Federation with 558 points, or Hungary (551). Actually, Romania gained the same rank as Trinidad, Iran, Indonesia or South Africa.

Basically, pupils are tested whether they can interpret, deliver and integrate information after reading a text or various fragments of the text and whether they can logically interpret the information. After reading the text, they are supposed to answer 15 questions in 90 minutes.

The results, experts declare, should signal authorities and change teaching methods and the educational curricula since it is for the first time when Romania receives such a low score.