Ion Iliescu, Romanian social-democratic ex-President, tagged current President (LibDem) "irresponsible" for the statements he made during his last night interview for B1 TV on Iliescu's involvement in the 1989 Revolution and Mineriads. "Isn't he ashamed? Mr. Basescu is irresponsible to make such statements, and the politics he's leading is regrettable. He plays the game of instigators such as Morar [the host of the interview]", the ex-chief of state told Romanian news agency Agerpres.

President Traian Basescu was invited on Monday evening at a talk show for B1 TV, where he often goes for interviews. He stated that ion Iliescu "has a responsibility" for those who died during the 1989 Revolution and during the June 13-15 mineriad in 1990.

"Iliescu has his own responsibilities. (...) Regardless how much he would like to appear as the Revolution's shining little angel, Iliescu bears a great responsibility for the people who died in the revolution and during the Mineriad from 13-15 June 1990", Traian Basescu said last night.