National Authority for Customs chief Radu Marginean, indicted by anti-graft prosecutors in Bihor in the case involving Halmeu Customs and will be investigated in liberty for bribe taking, Realitatea TV informs. Two businessmen and one former duty-free employee at the Halmeu customs were arrested on Friday in the case of former Customs chief Nicoleta Dobrescu, investigated of gathering 130,000 euro from smugglers to buy her new position.

Radu Marginean, seful ANVFoto: Autoritatea Nationala a Vamilor

Margineanu declared he does not know Dobrescu but did not want to make any other comments, Antena 3 news television reads. Marginean worked under PDL member Vasile Blaga while the latter was chief of the Oradea customs and in 2001 Marginean took his place.