After the information in the press yesterday that President Traian Basescu attempted to convince Central Bank Governor Mugur Isarescu to become the new Prime Minister, reactions did not take too long to appear.

Democratic Liberal informal leader Vasile Blaga declared on the public television that there were no talks in the party about replacing PM Boc as Prime Minister with Mugur Isarescu. In the Opposition camp, opinions vary. Liberal Ludovic Orban declared for Realitatea TV news television that he cannot believe that the President will ask Isarescu one more time, after he was rejected the first time.

PSD Lia Olguta Vasilescu believes that the President is desperatly seeking an independent Prime Minister to improve the image of the party and have someone to blame during the electoral campaign. Andrei Marga declared at Antena3 news television that the President wishes to shift the responsibility over the crisis on some else’s shoulders and that Romania will not manage to exit the crisis with Basescu and his strategies.