In a TV intervention on Monday evening, Romanian president Traian Basescu said that several politicians - including the Conservative leader Dan Voiculescu, the Social-Democrat president Mircea Geoana and the Social Democrat "master of puppets", Viorel Hrebenciuc - prepare a coup d’état. Basescu says that the two parties want to suspend him from the office, so that they can name their own prime minister after the general elections on November 31. Still, the president claims he took all necessary steps to prevent such a move.

The president decided to attack such a decision of the Parliament in the Constitutional Court. Even more, the President says that the Government is currently acting against the Constitution, regarding the 50% raise for teachers: "They have a law approved by the Parliament, validated by the Constitutional Court and promulgated by the president. What kind of state is this one, where the Government refuses to apply a law?".