The first day of the new Parliamentarians started off with a scandal within the Social Democrats. Both in the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, Social Democrats argued for the functions. Hrebenciuc was contested by a series of Deputies that wanted to undermine his leadership. On the other hand, Mitrea lost the role of the leader and threatened to run against PSD leader Mircea Geoana for the Senate's Speaker position.

At the group meeting, several Parliamentarians told Hrebenciuc that he negotiated bad and gave in and lost several important Commissions within the Parliament. Social Democrats are discontent because they lost the Judicial Commissions' Presidency and the Foreign Affairs Commission that went to the Hungarian Democrats.

Another dispute regarded the nominations in the Permanent Office. After three hours of heated disputes, Social Democrats decided to nominate Adrian Nastase and Adriana Popa as their vice presidents in the Permanent Office of the Chamber of Deputies.

In the Senate, Miron Mitrea who wanted to lead the Social Democratic group, lost in front of Ion Toma sustained by Geoana, the party's leader. Mitrea threatened to run as Speaker against Geoana if he does not receive the nomination for vice president.

However, Geoana promised the vice president seat to Conservative Dan Voiculescu. Several Social Democrats, together with Miron Mitrea do not accept Dan Voiculescu and pressure Geoana to act accordingly.