PSD had an "extremely disappointing experience" following their choice to govern alongside PD-L. But social-democratic leader Mircea Geoana said that working in the future with PD-L is not out of the question. "In life and in politics, never say never," Geoana declared on the Romanian public radio station, in his first interview after joining the opposition.

  • But this confession did not stop Geoana from attacking his ex-governance colleagues and the chief of state: "From the first day, Traian Basescu tried to control the Interior Ministry so that he could steal the elections".
  • "We have extremely little competence as far as the economic ministries are concerned. PD-L ministers with roles addressing the European integration have a poor background in the area," the PSD leader said.
  • "I want to confirm the fact that the instruction I gave today in my party says that those who were designated in structures for political reasons should quit," Geoana added.
  • Additionally, he indicated that "absence at the polls has increased, showing the population's disillusions with the political class".