Newspapers on Wednesday read about the unfolding war between Georgia and Russia over South Ossetia and Abkhazia: Romanian authorities decided to send humanitarian aid to Georgian civilians while another newspaper describes, exclusively, the situation in the Georgian Poti port after Russians bombed the area. Elsewhere in the news, Bucharest Mayor Sorin Oprescu is on leave but his closest counselor is in charge with the institution's money.

Cotidianul reads that Romanian authorities decided to send humanitarian help for Georgian civilians and sustain NATO and EU's efforts of finding a solution for the crisis by sending Romanian experts.

Romania's humanitarian aid will comprise of pills and sanitary products, in accordance with what Georgian officials requested. Romania's President Traian Basescu expressed his preoccupation with the safety of the region and underlined that Russian needs to respect Georgia's territorial integrity.

Evenimentul Zilei, according to journalists, the only newspaper to enter the Georgian Poti port describes the aftermath after Russians bombed the area. Poti is not only an important military objective but also an important one for Georgia's economy.

Police forces and military personnel secure the area, limiting all access in the area. However, the newspaper informs that they were allowed to take shots of the area and describe the situation. Police chief Dmitri Sarulidze declared that they did whatever they could to hide the consequences of the bombings.

Nonetheless, deserted buildings, shattered cars, spread blood over the concrete - are all a lively testimony that there's a war going on between Georgia and Russia. People are gathered on the streets and stay up until about 4 or 5 am.

Locals declare that not even now, when atrocities unfold in front of them, did their attitude towards the Russians changed. On the contrary, there are many people who declared that political controversies aside, they respect and love the Russian people. Their anger triggers mostly those residing in South Ossetia.

Turning to domestic issues, Bucharest Mayor Sorin Oprescu is on leave for six days and instead of leaving the deputy mayor Razvan Murgeanu in charge with everything, he entitled his closest counselor, Mircea Octavian Constantinescu, Gandul reads.

The newspaper informs that Constantinescu is investigated in a file on money laundering. Apparently, Constantinescu, while economic director at District 3 city hall approved, together with the mayor at the time, Eugen Plesca some payments for a school located in District 2. The law rules clearly that the District 2 City Hall should have handled this.

Nonetheless, the two are investigated for money laundering. Constantinescu declared that he is not under investigation, as he was never informed nor called as a witness in the case.