The way the ministries in the future Government are shared between Democrat Liberals (PDL) and Social Democrats (PSD), how involved is the head of state in this deal and how much money each party will handle - these are the main issued approached by the newspapers on Thursday.

"The Traian Boc Government" is the headline in Evenimentul Zilei, a joke about how president Traian Basescu influences the designated prime minister, Emil Boc. The newspaper notes that the president has some close collaborators in the Government, from both parties, PDL and PSD.

The same Evenimentul Zilei reports from the parties headquarters that some influential figures in PDL and PSD are quite unhappy with the way the governmental offices are shared. Several major politicians in the leading structures of the parties were left outside the negotiations and may not be part of the future cabinet. The war in PSD is for the Interior Ministry.

Cotidianul resumes in just a few words the way negotiations went so far: PSD barons won the most in the Boc government. 70% of the EU funds will be handled by PSD ministers, along with only 15% of the GDP. PDL has ministries based mostly on the gross domestic product, and less EU financing.

In Gandul, "the big bone sharing" is described as "fast, taking only one hour and a half, with these supported by president Basescu winning easily their seats".

Same Gandul comments that agencies such as the National Roads Company or the Hydro Energy Company (Hidroelectrica) are more of a stake than some ministries, since they handle more money.

In the everyday news, Romania still deals with the crisis in a controversial manner. In the last Governmental session, the Tariceanu cabinet approved an 123 million euro financing for the automobile industry, according to Gandul. And, as the same newspaper notes, Romanians are less aware of the crisis, the expenses during the holidays reaching a daily 2 million Euros worth of sales in domestic appliances, mostly

for entertainment devices.

Meanwhile, the price for one-room apartments reached a "decent" level, after the huge inflation last year. The mortgage credit blockage made prices drop to 35,000 - 40,000 Euros, from over 55,000 last year, Cotidianul reads.