Romanian PM Victor Ponta announced on Monday a series of proposals to change key members of his government, saying they were already accepted by interim President Crin Antonescu. He announced new ministers for the Interior and Administration Ministry, the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Justice Ministry. The move comes after Interior minister Ioan Rus and another minister announced their resignation on Monday morning.

Ponta's new proposals for ministerial seats:

  • Mircea Dusa (Social Democratic Party) - Interior and Administration minister
  • Radu Stroe (National Liberal Party) - minister delegate for Administration
  • Titus Corlatean (Social Democratic Party) - Foreign Affairs Ministry
  • Dan Sova (Social Democratic Party) - minister for the relation with the Parliament
  • Judge Mona Pivniceru - Justice minister

Titus Corlatean has been serving as Justice minister and Mircea Dusa has been serving as minister for the relation with the Parliament.

Ponta said that the current government "was and remains a limited-term government until November" when general elections are taking place as the future parliamentary majority will decide the future structure of the government.

He blamed the actions of suspended president Traian Basescu and his supporters for the government inability to go on in its current formula until November.