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Former Senator George Pruteanu dies of heart attack

George Pruteanu, one of the most popular professors in Bucharest, also active as politician, translator, critic, linguist and journalist, died on Thursday night because of a heart attack. Pruteanu recently celebrated his 60th birthday. His work was best defined by a TV show, „One last word”, a law introducing the obligatory mentions in Romanian for all commercial products, as well as for criticism against low quality entertainment.

George Pruteanu was born in Bucharest on December 15, 1947. He says on his website,, that he never served as a member of the Communist Party. He joined the National Peasants Party in 1996 only to leave in in 1998. Two years later he joined the Social Democratic Party, but in 2003 he became a member of the far-right Greater Romania Party.

He worked as a university lecturer as well as a journalist before the 1989 Revolution. Afterwards, he worked as a journalist in central dailies and weeklies before earning fame with his show on the public television.

He served as a senator between 1996 and 2004.

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