President Traian Basescu announced that the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are concluding their mission in Romania on Friday, November 6, without making their evaluation and "conditioning their return on the formation of a legal Government. In the absence of a legal Government, discussions cannot resume. Their coming was possible due to my specific request and my hope that the previous proposed Government would be voted".

The Romanian chief of state added that "any Government will find the resources to pay salaries and pensions, but the financing will be expensive. There shouldn’t be panic and worries, there will be solutions for paying salaries and pensions."

The President made these statements after the Friday consultations with the political parties, followed by the designation of Liviu Negoita as PM.

The statements made by the Romanian chief of state came shortly after sources close to IMF, quoted by news agencies, announced the delay of the third loan instalment until January 2010.