Traian Basescu held a press declaration from his campaign headquarters. He thanked those who voted for him in the first round at the polls and those who didn't. He invited the entire electorate to he polls on December 6. Talking on the referendum he called during the first election round, Basescu said it was a "disposition given by the people, which the political class needs to execute immediately".

The still chief-of-state thanked those who supported him during his first five-year mandate, which he labelled to have been "difficult". He assumed responsibility for things he did not manage to do. Basescu reminded hat the referendum, which has been attended by more than 50% of the electorate + one single voter, was "a disposition given by the people, which the political class needs to execute immediately".

Other important statements made by Traian Basescu:

  • This has been a dirty electoral campaign, denigrating accusations have been launched, like I would have hit a child. There were rumours saying I hit my wife I have a marriage that is over 33 years long and I wish everybody had a marriage like mine.
  • By voting me, the citizens will vote the modernisation of the state.
  • Mircea Geoana proved to be very resistant when it came to running. Last night I caught him a little. I ask him to respond the public interest today too, starting with 9 pm, to be together at OTV [Romanian TV channel] to continue the debate we started yesterday. We have both received an invitation from OTV.
  • Mircea Geoana is poorly prepared even for foreign policy.
  • Mircea Geoana labelled sending the Romanian troops to the foreign operations theatres as being high risk actions. Troops have been sent to Iraq and Afghanistan since Mircea Geoana was Romania's Foreign Affairs Minister. It is unacceptable to build an entire campaign on lies, foul tricks, denigration.
  • A consistent Romanian participation at the polls would render the chance for Romania to have a strong and legitim president. Romania needs a president elected for the Romanians, not one handled by Iliescu, Vintu, Vanghelie, Hrebenciuc, so much so that he does not know which order he should obey first.