The Justice ministry in Singapore, K. Shanmugam declared that he expects Romania to take into account the evidence revealed in the investigation in the case of the accident involving Romanian diplomat Silviu Ionescu. Shanmugam declared that the gravity of the accident on December 15 justifies an investigation from the Romanian party, The Strait Times reads.

The evidence presented can be seen by everyone, Shanmugam said. The investigation revealed that the former Romanian business attache Silviu Ionescu is involved in the death of Tong Kok Wai and the injury of other two pedestrians. A week ago, the Romanian supreme court prosecutors demanded access to procedural papers in the investigation of the Romanian diplomat.

Initially, Romanian diplomat Silviu Ionescu was accused to produce the accident, but he said that his car was stolen, and that he found that out on December 15 at 3 am when he alerted the police. The car was found in an industrial neighborhood after it was involved in two accidents.