The prices for electrical energy might increase significantly starting from 2013, since producers are forced to invest substantially in environment, manager in the Romanian Economy Ministry Alexandru Sandulescu said. "Environment costs will be enforced, pushing the electricity price upwards. The shock will happen in 2013, if no derogations are going to be obtained", Sandulescu declared.

According to him, the coal price is going up with an average 10% annually. "This increase was not felt so far in the cost of electricity. The reason should be explained by the staff of the National Regulating Authority for Energy", Romanian Economy Ministry rep said.

This is the last year when Romania grants coal subventions. The cut in subventions could influence electricity production costs. "The pit subvention will disappear and starting with 2013, the demand for polluting permits will have to be bought. 40% of Romania's energy relies on coal", Sandulescu explained. According to him, the electricity will not increase in price "tomorrow and the day after tomorrow", but in 2013.

Energy sector producers that have CO2 emissions will be forced to buy alone the entire lot of emission permits. Plus, according to the European norms, they are forced into environment investments, sulphur removal installations.

Sandulescu claims that investments in renewable sources energy production might also have an impact on the prices.