We need to put an end to the squander in the health system, Romanian President Basescu declared in his first declaration on the tragedy at the Giulesti Maternity where five newborns died and another six are in a sever condition. Basescu expressed his regret for the incident and sent his condoleances to the families. I hope that the newborns fighting for their lives will be saved, Basescu said.

Here are his main declarations:

  • I need to start by expressing my regret for the incident and send my condoleances to the families
  • I hope that the newborns who are fighting for their lives will be saved 
  • I want to remind you that I pointed the deficiencies of the system as early as 2007 when I set up a presidential committee to analyze the health system 
  • the commission elaborated a report, some conclusions and solutions
  • I turned in the report to the government in 2008 and 2009 
  • I do not claim that the Romanian system is sufficiently financed 
  • before to talk about subfinacing, we should talk about stopping the squander in the system 
  • the system was financed by 1 billion euro/year in 2001 and today, it has 4 billion euro - somewhere the money is lost