Bucharest Tribunal judges decided on Friday, September 10 at 1:45 AM to temporarily arrest media mogul and influent businessman Sorin Ovidiu Vantu. In front of the court house, journalists waited all night for a resolution. In the court lawyers were trying to get their clients released. The most important moment was when judges read their rule. Find out how Sorin Ovidiu Vantu reacted when the decision was read. Read an exclusive development of events that were not ran on television.

22:00 PM In front of the Bucharest Tribuna, several teams of journalist transmit live from the court that is about to decide whether Sorin Ovidiu Vantu will remain under temporary arrest for 29 days. After 30 minutes, the lawyers arrive. After another 20 minutes, Sorin Ovidiu Vantu arrives. The trial starts.

23:45 PM The process takes a lot. Journalists made some jokes on the situation to warm up. Even Andreea Esca made a joke about Vantu. 00:15 AM News televisions transmit LIVE. Transcrips of phone calls are read from the file.

00:45 AM A dispute between journalists: some claim that if judges rejct the request to temporary arrest Vantu, he can be released on the spot. Other disagree, saying that Vantu still needs to execute the 24 hours of arrest

00:50 AM Two lawyers exit, they make no declarations. Judges are expected to come with a decision either to set Vantu free, or not.

1:30 AM Journalists enter the court house. Only audio recording is allowed. After five minutes, Sorin Ovidiu Vantu and the other two enter the court. He greets the journalists. Without the cameras, journalists pay extra attention to Vantu. Noone manages to see his face. Vantu returns and with a smile says: "please excuse my back". A journalist comments that Vantu does not have a moustache any more.

To Vantu's right, sits Octavian Turcan, the Moldovan citizen suspected to sending money for Vantu to Nicolae Popa. Turcan looks around the room and rests a while looking at his lawyers. In the back is Alexandru Stoian, Vantu's driver. All red, the driver cannot take his eyes from the journalists. He is told by guards that he can sit dow.

1:45 AM Everybody in on their feet for the announcement of the decision: the three are arrested for 29 days. "Shame, lady, shame!" Vantu cries out. These words are coming from a billionaire that, during all interviews seemed secure. Vantu gets up and raises his hands. Vantu seems to be searching for something or someone in the court. Journalists start talking, the judge makes order in the room. A door slams and journalists start shooting for questions. Vantu declares: "this is the blackest period in our history since December 1989". After 10 minutes, Vantu leaves the room.

Tonight, he will not leave for his residence on 34 Paris street.