President Traian Basescu declared on Thursday night at TVR 1 that Romania managed to exit the recession but not the crisis. We will register economic growth but I do not count on an increase in consumption, the President said.

Here are his most important statements

About economic growth

  • I struggle for two essential things: to increase exports and investments. 90% of the investments were made in quarter one. I am optimistic that contracts for highways will be signed tomorrow. It is essential to create new jobs

  • We will have economic growth but I do not count on consumption growth 

  • About PM Boc, the coalition and PDL 

  • For now the priority is stability in the coalition. We managed to exit the recession not the crisis, I appeal to stability 

  • We have a government and a coalition and we move forward. I will not do anything that will affect the current stability 

  • I believe in the performance of the government because it was proved but it clear it is not popular. We cannot risk remaining without a government 

  • I believe that PDL will have talks and will analyze solutions to relaunch governance 

About the VAT increase

  • From an IMF discussion, when we decided to decrease salaries and increase VAT, IMF came with the options to increase the flat tax and the VAT. We came to the conclusions that there are 2 breaks to the economy in times of crisis

  • Now one can prove to any pensioner that he would have gained more if the VAT would have remained the same. 

About the relationship with the IMF

  • The IMF program targeting state owned companies is a program discussed with the ministries and the president. It is a program agreed by the government, the agreement with the IMF is the will of the government 

  • Everybody believes that I am all mighty but it is not true. I am powerful just in appearance because I raise problems 

About state owned companies

  • Government will see 10% from Petrom, 15% to Transelectrica, Transgaz and Romgaz. The money will not be able to be used in the 2011 budget. We hope that the market will be good.