Traian Basescu (The Liberal Democratic Party) is still the preferred man for Romania's presidency: he has been credited with 30.5% of the Romanian electorate voting intentions, according to a survey ran by The Office for Social Research (BCS). The incumbent chief of state is followed by Crin Antonescu (Liberal Party) - 20.1%, Mircea Geoana (Social-Democratic Party) - 19.2% and Sorin Oprescu (independent) - 8.2%.

The next in line are Corneliu Vadim Tudor (Greater Romania Party) - 7.5%, prince Radu Duda - 5.5%, George Becali (New Generation – Christian Democratic Party) - 4.2%, Kelemen Hunor (UDMR- the Hungarian Party from Romania) - 4.2% and Nati Meir (Greater Romania Party) - 0.2%, while 0.4% would vote another candidate.

  • 22.5% of the people included in the study are not decided who to vote for or said that they will not attend the elections.
  • 30.5% said they trusted Traian Basescu as the right candidate for another presidential mandate. He was followed by Sorin Oprescu, who is instated with a lot or great level of trust, - 29.7%, Crin Antonescu - 24.4%, Mircea Geoana - 21.8%, Corneliu Vadim Tudor - 17.7%, Gigi Becali - 17.5%, prince Radu Duda - 11.3%, Kelemen Hunor - 5.7% and Nati Meir - 1%.
  • More than a half of Romanians (52.9%) consider that the state institutions are run worse than last year.

The BCS survey was carried out during August 20-27, involving 1.096 people with the right to vote. The error margin is +/-3%. The survey was requested by American company Marsh Copsey&Associates, rumoured by the press to be close to the Liberals and Crin Antonescu.