Romania's poor results in the World Championship 2010 qualifications caused Romania's rank to drop 10 places in the FIFA - Coca Cola top in September, the official website informs. Romania's national team occupies the 36th position behind Honduras.

Romania occupied the 17th position in February but, since then, Romania registered a 19 places drop, which represents the lowest rank in the FIFA top history. In top 10, Brasil remains first, followed by Spain and Netherlands. Germany is ranked 5th, Argentina 6th.

Top 10 FIFA:

1. Brasil 1632 points

2. Spain 1629 points

3. Netherlands 1340 points

4. Italy 1215 points

5. Germany 1161 points

6. Argentina 1103 points

7. England 1101 points

8. Croatia 1087 points

9 France 1049 points

10. Portugal 1042 points