The Social-Democratic Party (PSD) leaders do not consider that Radu Mazare dressing up as a Nazi officer went over any moral or civic border. They tried to dodge taking attitude and answer questions. Mircea Geoana (PSD leader) and Adrian Severin refused to comment, while other social-democrats consider that Mazare is of age and can do as he pleases.

  • Victor Ponta: "Mr. Mazare is of age and it is his right to dress as he pleases in his spare time. From where I'm standing, he did not come to party meetings dressed in Nazi clothing, therefore nobody from PSD can reproach him this. I was dressed in overall on weekend at the race. It is a personal matter what they wear. I don't believe it is about instigation."
  • Mircea Geoana refused to comment on Radu Mazare's attitude. PSD's president hung up the phone after reporter asked him the question.
  • Florin Iordache, PSD deputy: "The man was in his spare time. From my point of view, it is stupid to accuse him of Nazi propaganda. It is a personal right to dress according to taste and the party has no saying in this."
  • Adrian Severin: "I cannot comment on something like this, I did not see the information, I don't know what to tell you. I'm focused on something completely different right now. I don't know the event."
  • Daciana Sarbu: "I haven't seen it, I don't know what this is about. I assume it is either the organisers' or Mr. Mazare's fault. If the Jewish minority protested, I believe he should apologise, but it's not the case that the party should sanction him. It is not relates with the event."

Mayor Radu Mazare, PSD member, showed up on fashion catwalk on Sunday evening before a numerous audience, dressed as a WWII German officer. He brought along his son, dressed in a similar suit. The two marched in front of the public.